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Workshop: “Policy recommendations for inclusion of informal waste collectors at municipal level”

17-19.07.2013, Struga

Workshop on topic “Policy recommendations for inclusion of informal waste collectors at municipal level” from 17th to 19th July 2013 was held in Struga. This workshop was held within the project "Inclusion of informal Roma waste collectors into the formal waste schemes," funded by the European Union through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights , in implementation of MDC -Ti.NET-Skopje, with the partner organizations Avena - Kocani, Planetum-Strumica and Regional enterprise support center- Skopje. Participants from Municipality of Strumica, Municipality of Kocani and the City of Skopje, were part of the workshop with representatives from Public Institutions, NGOs, Waste Management Companies and Public Utility Companies. The purpose of this workshop was the development of policies for inclusion of informal waste collectors into the formal system and preparation of SWOT analysis for the municipalities Kocani and Strumica and City of Skopje. This workshop was attended by representatives of informal Roma waste collectors from Strumica ,Kocani and Skopje. They contributed by presenting the real problems they are facing, which resulted with easing the process of defining the priorities as part of the policies and SWOT analysis. During the workshop, the Working Groups of Strumica , Kocani and Skopje brought common conclusion on the need for creating precise and defined data-base of names and additional information about the informal collectors and need for developing the idea of creating an association , business, or any other form of legal entity.


Client services
Local Economic Development
Environmental protection
Inclusion of marginalized groups
Forming  public - private partnership of informal collectors
Law on packaging and waste packaging:
MK Version (download)
ENG version (download)